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How to Delink Aadhar from SBI Bank Account

On 26th of September 2018, The Supreme Court of India passed a historic verdict which stated Aadhaar would not require for the opening of new bank accounts or for linking of existing SBI bank account.

How to Delink Aadhar from SBI Bank Account

But due to earlier judgments most of the SBI bank account holders have already linked their Aadhaar with their Bank Account or those who opened the SBI bank account have opened it by providing Aadhaar Card, as a bank at that time were saying Aadhaar is mandatory. So with the September 26th Judgment, those who have already linked Aadhaar might not be happy as they would need to go through again delinking Aadhaar from the bank process.

It is not mandatory to delink Aadhaar from SBI Bank if the bank holder wishes then he can keep it linked with a bank account, but one doesn’t want to keep it linked with a bank account then he or she has a right to delink it from their bank account.

The Supreme Court of India, verdict states “The Aadhaar number holder may, at any time, revoke consent given to a KUA ((KYC user agency) for storing his e-KYC data or for sharing it with third parties, and upon such revocation, the KUA shall delete the e-KYC data and cease any further sharing.”

Below is the complete process on how to unlink Aadhaar from SBI Bank Account.

Process on how to Unlink Aadhaar from SBI Bank Account

Before you make up your mind to unlink Aadhaar from SBI Bank, you should make sure that your SBI Bank is not linked with Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme. If you try to delink Aadhaar from Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme enabled bank account then from next time your Gas Subsidy would not get credited into this bank account. So to again enable DBT that is Gas Subsidy to credit you will have to submit the application form of DBT again to link your bank account.

Till Date, SBI Bank has still not made the process to unlink Aadhaar from SBI Bank Account public, neither on their website nor on their app as they used to for linking of Aadhaar.
But you can still request SBI Bank to delink your Aadhaar Details from their database by submitting the request at the SBI Branch.
  1. Visit SBI Bank with your Bank Account Number.
  2. Request the Customer Executive at SBI Bank that you want to unlink your Aadhaar from SBI Bank Account.
  3. The executive will give your Application Form, or else you will have to write application form to delink your Aadhaar from SBI Bank.
  4. Mention all your details like name, SBI Bank Account Number, Mobile Number, etc.
  5. Submit the form to the branch executive.
  6. Your Aadhaar will get usually delinked from your bank account within 48 hours. To cross-check you can even call SBI Bank or visit Branch to ask whether your Aadhaar has been delinked from SBI Bank Account or not.


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