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Aadhaar Update/Correction Form

Aadhaar Update/Correction Form has to be filled and submitted through post when you want to update or correct any mistakes which are present in your Aadhaar Card. Aadhaar Update/Correction Form has to be filled duly in block letters also don’t forget to add your mobile number in the Aadhaar Update/Correction Form, as mobile number is compulsory while sending Aadhaar Card update request through post.

Aadhaar Update/Correction Form

Along with the Aadhaar Update/Correction Form you will have to post all valid documents self-attested required for verification purpose of Aadhaar Card, if you want to update or correct name in your Aadhaar Card you will have to Valid Supported Proof of Identity documents containing name and photo, if you want Date of Birth Correction you will have to provide valid proof of Date of Birth Documents, and if you want Address correction you will have to provide valid proof of Address document containing name and address.
In case of minor below five years the parent or guardian will have to self-attest the document copies.
Put all documents and Filled Aadhaar Update/Correction Form into envelop and write on the envelope as Aadhaar Update/Correction and post it to post address as mentioned below.

Address 1
Post Box No. 10,
Madhya Pradesh - 480001,

Address 2
Post Box No. 99,
Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad - 500034,

Below are the list of valid documents which are required to be submitted while applying for Aadhaar Card Update or Correction.

Supported Proof of Identity (PoI) Documents Containing Name and Photo for Name Corrections
Supported Proof of Address (PoA) Documents Containing Name and Address
PAN Card
Ration/ PDS Photo Card
Voter ID
Driving License
Government Photo ID Cards/ service photo identity card issued by PSU
NREGS Job Card
Photo ID issued by Recognized Educational Institution
Arms License
Photo Bank ATM Card
Photo Credit Card
Pensioner Photo Card
Freedom Fighter Photo Card
Kissan Photo Passbook
CGHS / ECHS Photo Card
Address Card having Name and Photo issued by Department of Posts
Certificate of Identify having photo issued by Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar on letterhead
Disability ID Card/handicapped medical certificate issued by the respective State/UT
Marriage Certificate
Proof of Marriage document issued by the Registrar
Gazette Notification
Legal Name Change Certificate
(For above documents, where original document does not have photo, the photocopy/scan of the documents must be taken along with the Resident's photo)

Supported Proof of Date of Birth (DoB) Documents
Birth Certificate
SSLC Book/Certificate
Bank Statement/ Passbook
Post Office Account Statement/Passbook
Ration Card
Voter ID
Driving License
Government Photo ID cards/ service photo identity card issued by PSU
Electricity Bill (not older than 3 months)
Water bill (not older than 3 months)
Telephone Landline Bill (not older than 3 months)
Property Tax Receipt (not older than 3 months)
Credit Card Statement (not older than 3 months)
Insurance Policy
Signed Letter having Photo from Bank on letterhead
Signed Letter having Photo issued by registered Company on letterhead
Signed Letter having Photo issued by Recognized Educational Instruction on letterhead
NREGS Job Card
Arms License
Pensioner Card
Freedom Fighter Card
Kissan Passbook
Certificate of Address having photo issued by MP or MLA or Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar on letterhead
Certificate of Address issued by Village Panchayat head or its equivalent authority (for rural areas)
Income Tax Assessment Order
Vehicle Registration Certificate
Registered Sale / Lease / Rent Agreement
Address Card having Photo issued by Department of Posts
Caste and Domicile Certificate having Photo issued by State Govt.
Disability ID Card/handicapped medical certificate issued by the respective State/UT Governments/Administrations
Gas Connection Bill (not older than 3 months)
Passport of Spouse
Passport of Parents(in case of Minor)

Below is the Aadhaar Update/Correction Form

Aadhaar Update/Correction Form

Also Read: Aadhaar Card Update Enrollment Status

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